Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sunday, June 21, 2015

After a full nights rest, We were up and active by 8am having breakfast. After breakfast, We all met and leaders Lillie and Hayden informed us the full schedule and information about our day ahead of us. We got on the bus and headed to Annadana. Annadana is a organization that grows organic food and spreads awareness against genetic modified seeds and how bad they can be for your health. The leader of annadana spoke to us for an hour then we split up into groups and toured the farm. We saw a lot of varieties of vegetables and food and trees. It was very interesting and we all learned a lot. We also got to participate in the farm. After the tour, we watched a film and the members of Annadana had cooked us lunch. The lunch was very good and healthy. Then, the rain started to come on in. The team at Annadana made us cake, It was wheat cake with nuts and some fruit and vegetables inside. We thanked everyone at Annadana and headed back to our place. We were given 2 hours of downtime, and 30 mins for yoga if desired to. We all got back together as a group and had another learning session for 2 hours before dinner. We had dinner and ended the day with ANCHOR. It was a good day, but we were all tired. 


Happy Father's Day!! <3 

10 minute power naps and weird dreams from Malaria medication were the norm yesterday. The jet lag really started to kick in, and to say that we were all tired would be an understatement. Yesterday, we went to an organic seed farm and learned about GMOs, pesticides in foods and the disappearing varieties of foods. We toured the farm and the processes that go into the agricultural process. The best parts of the trip for me have been the down time and bus rides in between the daily activities. During this time we have all bonded with people that we probably wouldn't otherwise bond with. In other news, we're bonding due to filth. I wiped off my face yesterday and it looked as if I was wiping off stage makeup, but it was only dirt. Everyone's hair is a little oily and everyone smells a little stale but it's all part of the India experience. 


Annadana on the web:


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